Want to contact the Rom-Com Detectives?

If you’re interested in possibly being a Rom-Com Consultant, please email us with your fandom background and which episode(s) you’re interested in consulting on.

If you’d like us to consider playing a brief message from you on the show, leave us a voicemail.

Contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. To contact us about sponsoring or advertising on the show, please email or message with the relevant details.

Rom-Com Detectives aims for releasing new episodes on a weekly basis. However, episodes may not be for the same squad in consecutive weeks.

Although we plan to in the future, we do not have one at this time.

Yes, Rom-Com Detectives is open to guests. To inquire about being a Rom-Com Consultant, please send us an email or use the above form.

Our podcast theme was created for us by George at CAS Creative Arts on Fiverr.

Voicemails with clear audio and good energy will have a better chance of being played on the show.